Every single (unattached) woman I know has marry me moments. A marry me moment occurs when you have to do something you don’t want to do, or have to deal with something you don’t want to deal with. It’s the realization that if you were married, there would be someone else to do these things. I get attacked y marry me moments when I:

have to pump gas, especially after dark
have to take out the trash (especially after dark)
have to kill a big bug (especially Palmetto bugs…eek!)
have to negotiate
have a doctor or dentist appointment involving sedation
have to make major future financial decisions.

Tuesday we had an informational meeting on our 401k plan. I hadn’t begun contributing and had no idea how. When we first got the booklet, Receptionist Chick merely took it home and handed it over to her fiancee and let him help her choose.. And that was my marry me moment.

I am good at keeping up with bills and stretching money, but investments and types of savings aren’t things I’m used to setting up & making decisions on. I worked at a bank so I have an idea, but I find making decisions about money now that will affect me when I am twenty-five daunting.

Then I read a blog from a woman starting over after divorce. She had to learn to develop a budget and be financially responsible for her familly. I imagine it must be scary to HAVE to learn about finance with children looking to you to provide for them, or to learn about the family finances after a spouse dies.

There are so many things that need to be in place before marriage; I am not minimizing the gravity of the decision. But sometimes, muddling through investment portfolios, scheduling appointments, exercising alone in my apartment, or taking out the trash, I feel like I’d say yes for the ring off a pop can and a promise to pump my gas!

Ok, I admit it. I get attacked by marry me moments. But thenI put on my big girl pants & do it myself. Afterwards, I’m very proud of myself. Am I the only one who suffers from this affliction? What causes your marry me moments? How do you deal with these non-feminist approved moments?