Marriage Kits

As many of you know, I have been trying to compile the experiences & advice of long married people to give all of us singles or newly married people a look into marriage–what it really is, what it means, and how it can work. I found that there were a lot of people out there who didn’t have the strong examples for marriage that I’ve had, and that I didn’t bother to ask these people any of the things I wanted to know about marriage, either. Knowledge is power, and power is light. It has already been, and I think will continue to be, a very illuminating conversation.

You know how scary and unrecognizable things look as you try to make your way through an unfamiliar dark room? That’s how marriage is to many of us–we don’t know what’s in that big dark room. We keep hearing strange noises & bumping into things. The good news is, there’s a light switch we can turn on. When we turn on the light and we see what’s actually there, it’s not so scary. We can see how we can make our way through the space. Also, we can see all the wonderful and not so wonderful things that are there, and decide if we want to be there.

So this is me, shedding a little light on marriage, through interviews with many of the beloved married people that I know. I have also included my marriage preparedness posts. Read and comment often!

Contemplating Marriage Preparedness

Marriage Kits

6 thoughts on “Marriage Kits”

  1. MArriage is for some,..not for all,..i hope people figure that out before their hearts get shattered 😦


    • I don’t think many people know anything about marriage until they’re already deep into one–and usually only bother to learn when things aren’t going well and problems come up. I hope that the people who are reading this at least begin to think seriously about the topic of marriage and all that it entails before making any decisions on whether or not to get married, or whether or not they are ready to be married. Thanks for the comment!


  2. I believe that marriage is the single most difficult thing most people will ever encounter in their life. It’s not like the challenge of raising children because you can’t really divorce your kids like you can your partner. With marriage, you always have society and others telling you there’s a back door and we are usually too quick to opt for it.

    After a year-long separation and a lot of heartache, I discovered the hard way that God’s design for marriage is the only way to have a marriage that not only survives, but THRIVES! Once I got my priorities straight and started to see how my actions were truly going against God’s commands for wives, I realized that not only did my family stick together, my life was overwhelmed with purpose and meaning. I had to go against the world’s way of doing things but came out leagues ahead in the end!


  3. After a year-long separation and a lot of heartache, I discovered the hard way that God’s design for marriage is the only way to have a marriage that not only survives, but THRIVES! Once I got my priorities straight and started to see how my actions were truly going against God’s commands for wives, I realized that not only did my family stick together, my life was overwhelmed with purpose and meaning. I had to go against the world’s way of doing things but came out leagues ahead in the end!


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